Our Business Supporters – WE THANK YOU!
Petco Foundation
The Petco Foundation has given Emma’s Foundation grants totaling $160,000 to be used in the treatment of canine cancer.
Kindred Spirits Gift Shop, LLC
Triple Loop (Laurie Browne)
Essex Juction, VT
Twin State Signs
Blue Dog Bakery
Pet Food Warehouse
Emma’s Foundation thanks you for the generous $1000 grand prize at this years “Shelburne Museum Goes to the Dogs” event…we were thrilled to be this years recipient!!
Cosmo’s Cuts
Buddy Bandanas
Ace Hardware
Milton, VT
Kneading Companions
Lora Hoops – $175 donation was made through her CPR/First Aid Class
Never Forget You
Rescue Me Bakery
St. Petersburg, FL
VFW Post 6689
Essex Jct, VT
Aubuchon Hardware
Milton, VT
Itzadoozie Pets
Clinton Studios

Salty’s Gulfport

Vermont Dog Festival
Kinney Drugs
Milton and Cambridge, VT
Timeless Paws (Stacey Rosseau)
South Burlington, VT
PRP Wine International
Hobbes Goes Home
Tami Crupi Zeman and Bruce Zeman Jr / Authors
For every book purchased, Emma’s Foundation will receive $5.00. Please be sure to add the name “EMMA” after “your name” when purchasing.
Our Individual Donors – WE THANK YOU!
Cynthia Edwards Longwell – Edwards Charitable Foundation Ltd. – $5050 Donation
Jim, Claralu and Sophie Marie Vise – Benton, Illinois – $1325 Donation
Derrick Snay, Senior Communication Consultant, AT&T Advantage
Richard Hatin – www.richardhatin.com
Marlene Bryant CPA, Burlington VT
Jim Waite, Essex VT $850 – donated back winnings to Emma’s Foundation from the 2013 50/50 raffle
David and Carolyn Dennis $1000 – donated back the Calcutta payout to Emma’s Foundation and have as well donated auction items totaling over $2000
Amanda Marino $800 – donated back her winnings to Emma’s Foundation from the 2014 50/50 Raffle
Anise Richey and Sarah Forrest, Burlington VT – $7000 Donation
Danny and Sandra Keyser, $500 Donation
Amelia (Melody) Urso – $800 Donation in Memory of Jessie, January 2018, making a reoccurring monthly donation
Stephen Finner, making a reoccurring monthly donation
Ashlyn Gill, making a reoccurring monthly donation
Hazel Winter $285 – donated back winnings to Emma’s Foundation from 2016 Mothers Day 50/50 Raffle
Steven and Marion Elbaum in honor of “Molly and Dr. Gail Mason – $125.00 donation (Portland Vet Specialist and Pet Rock in the Park Fundraiser, Maine)
Deez Paws
Jeanne Posner and her furbaby Annie donated $4500 to Emma’s Foundation